Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Vegas Bugs

Well fiddle-dee-dee, have I been lazy or what? My Chinese spam machine readers will be happy to know that I am alive and just not blogging. I've been busy. I'd mention with what, but instead, I'm gonna get into the shit that really makes me mad: bugs in awesomely hyped games. Take, for instance, Fallout:New Vegas, a great sequel to a great game, only problem is both games were glitchy as hell.

On the topic of glitches: I would go so far as to say that a glitch is such a deal-breaker that it ruins the game for me. I played Fallout 2 and was really enjoying it (long ago) and then random crashes happened if I, say, picked up items in the "wrong" order. New Vegas, hilariously, has glitches that I will document here.
I haven't seen the best ones, like old head flipper down here, but that's because I just started playing with the new patches. That means that, supposedly, the bugs should be fixed in the version I'm playing. Without further ado:

1. No-Clipping issues. Whether it's a coyote that looks like it is under the ground, a caravan trader inside a rock, or a person stuck in a wall, Fallout:New Vegas has it all. IDCLIP has been slapped down most characters in the wastelands of the Mojave desert. Nothing is more frustrating than watching a companion character keep shooting at an enemy they can't kill because the enemy is surrounded by solid rock.

2. Crashes. I would be expecting this if I were playing a video game on my 486 in 1995, but I am not. I am playing a Playstation 3 in 2011, so this shit should NEVER freeze. NEVER!!!

3. Spider spasm characters after dying. This is just weird. I found an idiot on the internet that managed to record the same glitch. Unfortunately this person puts their retarded commentary on top (warning: not funny). Just watch for the sake of seeing what I am refering to here:

Hilarious guy flying into the sky video on YouTube.

I was out in the desert and these raiders jumped me. I was all "You done messed with the wrong mother-" but before I could finish my badass one liner, the raider started doing the herky-jerk and flew up into the sky! I thought the game would crash (see point 2) so I ran away! I never waited to see the person fall back to the ground. I will probably be walking around in some town and the guy will come plummeting out of the sky. Weird.

4. Stealing from dead people... Basically the "legacy" that the dead leave behind. Bear with me. I know there are these little good/evil mechanics in the game that change how people behave toward you and I know how they are supposed to work. If I kill a nice old lady people will think I'm mean, not because I killed her, but because I lost "karma" and they will not like you if you have low karma. They don't even need to know what I did. I get it. However, check this shit out:

Scenario: I am chasing down a crew of baddies that slaughtered a whole town, including these military guys that are supposed to be keeping the peace in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout, and some gang members. They also took prisoners. So I follow the baddies to their camp and lay waste to their pathetic defenses. Then I went and freed the hostages, who were gang members (of a gang that I am not on good terms with in-game), so they ran away.

After dispensing this street justice I felt that I should be entitled to some pillaging. I go to the foot-lockers and storage boxes of these city-killin', slave-takin', freedom-hatin' baddies and start taking bullets and health kits, and the game says I lose karma for stealing! What the fuck?! I am stealing from some bad bad people whom I murdered, but stealing is wrong. Whatever. What's worse, after killing the guards, my reputation with the group they belonged to fell. How is that possible? In the middle of the desert I killed 3 guys, who went back to HQ and said "Watch out for BFG9000, he is kicking our asses out there!"? I could kill ever member of a town and my reputation with that now non-existent group would be "vilified" which doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, the game is awesome and fun, but the bugs (of which there are many, ask the internet) really ruin it for me. But I guess the crashes are the game's way of saying "enough fun for one day."

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