Sunday, May 31, 2009

So Much Freedom, No Idea on What to Do

(I am opening myself up to obvious jokes here...)

I guess I could, I dunno, write a story or do some work or something... Instead I will do nothing and waste time on Wikipedia.

(2 hours later)

I am no smarter for the experience. Of course, you don't stay on Wikipedia when you go there, you make your way to other parts of the net and start reading forums with 3000 + posts and then your brain just turns to mush and you smell burnt toast and you forget things like the capitals of countries to make room in your now mushy brain for all the stupid bullshit getting spewed about the latest Zero Punctuation review or YouTube rickrolling video.

"IMHO not funny but some people might like it i dunno not my thing

just my opinion tho"

If you have ever posted something like the above quote on some sort of forum designed for public comments, please take every computer that is in your house and donate it to people that cannot afford a computer. Then drop out of school or quit your job, since you are polluting the lives of others with your inane existence. Then go tell my co-pilot on this magical mystery tour, Lunatic Fringe, to post on the g-d blog before I go to his g-d house and start messin' up his face.

Which brings me to my next point: The people that live across the street from me. When I said to donate the abused computers to those that cannot afford their own computers, exclude the people across the street. They sit on their steps yelling at one another, despite the fact they are about 2 feet away from each other, and then they scream at their dog when it tries to have some fun in their fenced off front yard. They also burp really loudly when I am trying to enjoy a nice night of not hearing their disgusting burps. If this carries on into the summer then once I get back from LF's place I am gonna have to take my face-messin'-up show on the road.

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