Sunday, May 10, 2009

Email Boardgaming Supremacy

In diplomatic relations news, this blog's BFG9000 recently wrapped up 17 weeks of play-by-email Diplomacy with a victory for England. Lunatic Fringe was also in the game as Turkey, and placed a solid second. However, BFG9000's mighty pen and sharp wit carried him to victory... Well, technically the game isn't over yet, but in keeping with a tradition of gloating, I decided to post this early.

Here's a shot of the game as it stands.

As you can see, England has the game in hand through clever moves and brilliant negotiation. What genius gameplay. It should be noted that this is Lunatic Fringe's first game ever, so his showing speaks to his strong fundamentals and never-say-die attitude. Unfortunately, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades... and fuzzy bitmaps.

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