Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hypothetically Speaking

Let's say you were getting married and you invited your friend who lived two time zones away. Your friend, at great personal expense, decides that they will fly back to their home town, bring their wedding-clothes, get you a gift, and blow off time at work because goddamnit you are friends and this is what friends do for each other when major life events occur. So, your friend RSVPs instantly for 1 guest, then a few weeks later asks if they can bring someone because they became involved with someone in the meantime. Your wedding isn't for 4 fucking months, so you should, presumably, be able to find an extra chair by then.

IN THEORY this shouldn't be a big deal. IN THEORY you should probably acknowledge that (a) your friend is coming back home FOR YOUR WEDDING, (b) your friend is spending a lot of money on that flight (P.S. you are a cheap motherfucker, that's why you would notice this) and your friend doesn't have a real job so they don't make real job money, and (c) it's early enough notice that you can help out your friend who was being pretty cool by letting you know so early.

Would you, after considering all this, opt to say something like "I hate to say this but we're pretty tight for space."? Would you really say that? YOU FUCKER! I BET YOU FUCKING WOULD!! Even after your friend had be all awkward and invite the person before contacting you after dating them for only like 3 weeks, since the person they invited has a batshit-crazy schedule and needs to plan shit months in advance and had to know today if your friend had any plans for the summer. SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!

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