Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just because everyone likes it...

... Doesn't mean it isn't total shit. Or over-hyped to an embarrassing degree. This is especially true if, say, someone that is your friend is telling you that something you made is "AWESOME!" They don't truly mean that, by standards that apply to the rest of the world, what you have done is awesome. They mean "considering you are a person I know and I never knew you to (a) blog, (b) be creative, (c) do whatever, what you have just done is pretty awesome."

Thus, when one is undertaking something for general consumption, anonymity is the key. Otherwise, people that LIKE YOU ALREADY will tell you they love it and people that don't know you will tell you your face is stupid. Therefore, when it comes to stuff you create, your friend's opinions don't count. Unless they are being honest with you. Just hitting you with platitudes should be your first clue that they are just humouring you. Fucking moron.

Real friends will tell you if you are being a fucking moron.

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