Thursday, May 13, 2010


I hope my boss wasn't too attached to his ice cream sandwiches or his ice cream in general. His washing machines are AWESOME! They clean my clothes so well it's like having new clothes. These machines could launch rockets, they're sooooo cool.

In other news, he owns a Wii. On one hand, I really appreciate what the Wii has done for making girls less likely to diss video games because they remember that time they had fun playing Wii Bowling or whatever. On the other hand, a lot of Wii games are total shit. To link a few. And the controls are kinda lame for most games. For some games they work, but I chalk my hatin' on the controls up to me only wanting to move my thumbs to attain maximum sedentary action!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Holy shit we beat Super C

This happened last week but I only got a chance to inform the greater planet at large now.

All must bow before our greatness. We don't even use our real names anymore, we refer to each other by our Contra names Corrigan and Ramierez. I'm Ramierez. Goddamnit me and Corrigan been through more shit than you'll ever see in your lifetime.

We also deliver wicked one liners like "See you at the party, Richter" and "It's a bomb!" and "Cohm wis me if you want to live" and "GOOOO! GEHT TO DA CHAAAAPAAAA!"

In looking for these quotes I found out that Arnold also gives out serious economic analysis to those who would question the American free market.