Sunday, November 15, 2009

Whoa whoa whoa... Whoa

The posting of (potentially) fat chick titties is taking your comeback tour one step too far, LF.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bunnies and Football

Unfortunately, Rocktober is past -- leaving us with November, a month which can only claim fame as the month political assassinations go down, or harbor bombings are plotted.

Fortunately, we can remember the spirit of Rocktober (or at least the picture of it) with this similar poster, as stolen from a fine competing blog to this humble one. Let this be my ode to professional football in all of its sorts, especially the amateur-esque qualities of CIS football.

And, as well, a cute bunny photo, to liven things up more, as stolen from cute overload. Did things ever get sappy here while I was gone. Perhaps I'll break out the recipe book for my favorite brownies next.


They're pretty fuckin' awesome.