Monday, September 21, 2009

Not your thinking-man's movie

Well, I went to go see Inglourious Basterds (or however they misspell it, I ain't googling it, so there) and I gotta say it was okay. That's it. JUST okay. Everyone is like "WHOOOOOOOOOA, DUDE, YOU GOTTA SEE THIS MOVIE BEFORE I EJACULATE!!!" I gotta say, this movie is unique in the sense that it doesn't waste one iota of effort on trying to develop any characters. Brad Pitt claims in the trailer that he wants his scalps, then the next scene with him in it has him scalping Nazis. That's it, there is no other side to him, he is introduced as a Nazi killer and he stays that way until the end of the movie. The most interesting character is an SS Captain and even he is underdeveloped.

Allow me to cut you off before you mouth-breathers answer back with "That's the point!!!" I guess that's what they were going for, but still, it was almost a non-event. QT can do whatever he wants, create any kind of movie, and he made this. I heard that he was writing this 4 years ago, or something. How does it take 4 years to write a 2.5 hour movie with no character development? I'll tell you: Lots of stuff happens. It's fun, don't get me wrong, just think about the people that will recommend this to you. Prior to this movie, their favourite was probably RoboCop 2 or Predator. All fun movies, all requiring about 1/4 of your total attention.